In a world where the gods have abandoned humanity, divinity original sin 2 how to get to arx has been ravaged by war.
This article will give you detailed instructions on how both methods work so that you can make an informed decision which one is best for your play style. In this game, you have the option of getting there by ship or by going through the sewers. You can also watch my videos on YouTube if you prefer that instead- they’re linked below in the text! This is a blog post about Divinity Original Sin 2 and how to get to Arx. There are three ways to do this- you can go through Fort Joy, Redcliffe Village or Cyseal. This blog post will outline the steps required to get there as well as provide video walkthroughs for those who want them.
The game doesn’t really tell you and it seems like some people can’t find it at all. At the end of Divinity: Original Sin 2, a lot of people are wondering how to get to Arx.